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The market competition pattern of the spring industry in 2016: increasingly fierce


Summary of the report hall: According to the market understanding of the spring industry, the economic environment is sluggish and competition in the spring market is becoming increasingly fierce. In the era of information explosion, with the development and popularity of terminalization, pre-sales, specialization, standardization, and branding operations, the level and gap between spring distributors have become more and more obvious.

According to the market understanding of the spring industry, the economic environment is sluggish and competition in the spring market is becoming increasingly fierce. High-quality distributors improve their services, medium-sized distributors rely on quality, and inferior distributors fight for prices. In the era of information explosion, with the development and popularity of terminalization, pre-sales, specialization, standardization, and branding operations, the level and gap between spring distributors have become more and more obvious. Seeing that the wave of reshuffling is becoming more and more intense, spring distributors must find ways to improve themselves and advance to a higher level if they want to not be eliminated by the market.

Low barriers to entry, spring dealers vary from good to bad

In today’s building materials market, some distributors still focus on the market and do everything by themselves—seeing customers, developing distributors in counties and townships, and exhausting themselves to death, but the result is not satisfactory, sales volume and product popularity are even greater. There is no improvement; another part of the dealers is operating through new and traditional channels. At the end of each year, they make detailed plans for the goals of the coming year, the needs of various customers and the service process, the decision-making team, and the front-line team. , The logistics team has a clear division of labor and a rigorous structure. It has won the trust and recognition of customers and consumers in various ways, and has successfully made more people become the consumer group of the product; there is still a category of distributors who stick to the store and pass by, leading to performance One year is not as good as one year, and finally had to face the dilemma of withdrawing from the market.

For a long time, due to the low entry barriers of the spring industry and low requirements for sales personnel, the level of spring distributors varies. However, in the golden age of the development of the spring industry, because everyone has money to make money, the amount of knowledge reserves and the level of personal qualities have little effect on the dealer group. However, with the development of the economy and the improvement of industry standards, the requirements of the spring industry on the professional skills and comprehensive quality of distributors have also been greatly increased.

Learn more, watch and practice more

The in-depth analysis of the yellow spring industry from 2016 to 2021 and the "Thirteenth Five-Year" development planning guidance report show that in the current spring terminal market, not only the dealers are required to invest wholeheartedly, but also to accumulate experience every day, but also need the dealers to have active learning. The ability to adapt to the market quickly, and the ability to accept new things, so that we can truly realize the accumulation of accumulation. If spring distributors want to get rid of the state of struggling at the lowest level, enter a higher level state, and have greater development, they must do the following work in the business process:

Learn more

No matter how sophisticated theories are, it is difficult to transform them into realistic "productivity" in a short period of time. Therefore, it requires dealers to abandon the unrealistic ideas of "good eyes and low hands" and "good high and far-sighted" in their operations, and return to zero. Go for in-depth learning: learn from manufacturers. Learn the culture and management system of the manufacturer, learn the history of development and growth of the enterprise, learn the relevant knowledge and production knowledge of the products that you represent, learn the good strategies and methods of competing companies, etc.; learn from the dealers. Seriously try to figure out the unique ideas of some excellent distributors, as well as good interpersonal relationships, that is, the skills of establishing contacts and so on.

Look more

When operating the market, we must carry forward the good habit of seeing more. Look more, not only to be able to act on the spot, and to help the distribution customers do some things, so as to win the welcome and praise of the customers, but also to look at the successful methods of the dealers in the same industry in operating the market, and look at the market trends and industry competitions. Hot spots, by looking more, dealers can avoid detours, do things in a targeted manner, and thus can win more opportunities to control the market.

Practice more

Learn more and watch more, in fact, in the end, it is all about practicing more and applying what you have learned. How to practice, imitate and copy first. Turn some good market development and development models into your own things, but you cannot copy them. At the same time, combined with the actual operation of the plan, make necessary adjustments and revisions in due course, and finally form your own operating experience and perception, and find a set of suitable market expansion models for yourself.

In fact, success is very simple, it means simplifying complicated things, doing simple things correctly, and repeating correct things. Whether spring distributors can gain a firm foothold and achieve rapid development depends on whether they can learn more, watch more, and practice more. Only by doing the above points can they get out of the predicament and enter better. A new stage of development.
